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5G Labs and T & M
Our innovative portfolio of products and services addresses the test, assurance, and automation challenges of a new generation of technologies: 5G, Wi-Fi, SD-WAN, Cloud, Autonomous Vehicles and beyond. We provide test solutions for the world’s networks and devices, enabling our customers to validate the performance of the critical infrastructure associated with the telecoms networks.

High speed ethernet & wifi testing
Ethernet speeds are increasing, networks are becoming more intelligent, with topologies scaling to sizes never seen before. Our Ethernet portfolio allows you to quickly and confidently launch products and services dependent on emerging cost-effective, high-speed and high density 800/400/200/100/50/40/25/10/5/2.5/1G/100M technologies.
Industry’s most flexible and user friendly Network Emulator for all Applications

Highest Capacity Switch
Industry Leading Port Density
Superior Optical Performance
NEW Resilient Redundant Architecture
Optical Field-Addressable Spare Ports
Fully SDN-Enabled
Our Technology Partners

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